12 Habits You Don't Realize Are Killing You Slowly! - Deep Existence

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12 Habits You Don't Realize Are Killing You Slowly!

 12 Habits You Don't Realize Are Killing You Slowly!

1. You skip breakfast all the time. 
Skipping breakfast fast is a really bad habit and it will affect you making you obese and many other harms make sure to do...

2. You spend money you don't have.
If you haven't had enough money for a month to rely on but still you waste it and spend it on unnecessary things it will make you borrow from others and have a bad impression...

3. You are staying in an unhappy marriage.
Marriage in my view is a gift for both as they share love and get along with... But life is more miserable if you are in an unhappy relationship but still relying on it and hoping don't do it.

4. You text while you walk. Text while walking, reading while walking and doing anything while walking has many side effects first you may have the chance to encounter an accident second it affects the brain and third weakness of sight... 

5. You skip your exercise routine. 
Exercise is important otherwise a little work and a busy routine will make you dull...

6. You snack when you're not hungry. Overeating may lead to Bulimia Nervosa which is a disorder which may lead to obesity... So overeating is also very dangerous to health this is serious when you often do it...

7. You overwork yourself. Sometimes overtime is ok but by taking more work from your body that it is not able to do then you are destroying your own health 

8. You bite your nails. Biting your nail is a bad habit you mustn't do it because sometimes you have bacteria on them and you still bite it may lead to illness or biting the nail tells that you are not in a stable position and suffering from tension... 

9. Your posture goes unchecked. Your body should have a good Alignment of sitting and standing it influences well.

10. You have a severe lack of sleep. Oversleeping and lack of sleep both are not good for health but we still do them some lack sleep while others overslept... 

11. You skip out on vitamin D. Vitamin D is very essential you mustn't skip it is important for our bones deficiency of it cause rickets in kids and osteomalacia in adults so remember to have in diet... 

12. You load up on the caffeine. Last, but not least caffeine is injuries sometimes when taken more than enough you may get remember not to oversleep and overload and lack sleep because in these conditions you require caffeine most if you rely on it and take more than enough in a day it will cause swear heart congenital diseases.....

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