Islam Teaches Us - Deep Existence

Deep Existence

Deep Existence is providing all about authoritative speeches about life. And also provide you with stimulus quotes, inspirational words, stirring lectures, propelling essay and motivational talks that will enhance your life towards folks and ideal life. leave your gloom and find bliss in your life be confident in your life and overcome your fears.



Islam Teaches Us

 Choose Allah 


If you are on your religion but still choosing a relationship. This is absolutely haram. Okay so let me clear, loving someone is not haram, but the thing known as relationship is, because it takes us to the path where we can sin easily. So if you actually love someone and you see forever in their eyes, take it to halal path only. You can still love someone without being in relationship. You can still grow together without being in relationship. If today is not the day to make your love possible, then stay away from haram and love each other for His sake. Become more closer to Allah swt and Allah will make your connection possible. Love is not haram, love is a commitment. Relationship is haram, it may lead you to be a sinful person. Just focus on your relationship with Allah, love together, grow and glow in love, care for each other, make them a step closer to Jannah, one day everything will be in your hands. If Allah has made the love possible then He swt will make the connection possible.

 Always choose halal for his sake. For the taqwa in your heart. For becoming a better person. For jannah. 


Thanks Allah 


Stop, Breathe, Remind yourself: Allah is with you. He's watching over you. He's testing you because He loves you. He hasn't forgotten you. He's making you stronger. Now smile. Say Alhamdulillah, And continue working.


Thanks him 


Little things are important, little happiness is important. Like being happy by getting your favorite food or being happy by petting your pet or just simply being happy that makes you more grateful and makes Allah happy as Allah has said in the holy Quran 

Be grateful and I will increase you more in favour [14:7]



 When you leave everything in Allah's hand then Allah gives you the gift of sabr & when he gives you the gift of sabr know that Allah wants to fulfill your dua! The most precious of Allah-prophet Muhammad advised us to have sabr whatever the situation is. Have sabr and this advice comes from the one who lost his loved ones. Buried his own children.

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